Thursday, April 29, 2010
squash? yes, please!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010
For the last week and a half, our little guy has had his first bout with the sniffles. Watery eyes, nasal congestion, fussiness...ugg...ugg...ugg. While he has yet to run a fever, it is clear that he simply is uncomfortable. Oh, how I dreaded walking into the "sick" waiting room at the pediatrician's office. I wanted to bubble wrap Eli's car seat and protect him from the "sick air" that no doubt enveloped this waiting room. After a quick check-up, Eli's ears, lungs, and throat were given a clean bill of health. It appears that perhaps Eli is developing his father's allergies and could be **ugg** teething. Whatever the culprit, we hope that it disappears fast and our smiley Eli returns soon!
Monday, April 26, 2010
...and so it begins...
Within a matter of one hour on Saturday, Eli began rolling from back to belly non-stop. He had done this trick a few times before, but was never consistent in his attempts. Now, it seems as if when I lay him down anywhere, he rolls...and rolls...and rolls...continuously. I have to laugh a little, because with each roll, he grunts to get himself over. As he keeps practicing, he gets a little bit better at figuring out what to do with his arms and hands, but still at times looks like a turtle trapped on its back, even though he's on his belly. We just can't believe how quickly our little guy is growing and learning! Can all this be happening so fast?!? It's only been 4 1/2 months!
Take a peek at our Eli in action!
Take a peek at our Eli in action!
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
zoku treats
Often times it's very difficult to think of something different to get Kent for his birthday. While the usual fishing/hunting/golfing gift is always well received, this year we decided to add a "cool" twist to his birthday present. During a recent visit to Louisville, Kent went on and on about a "popsicle maker" from Williams-Sonoma that he had enjoyed at a friend's home. What a most delicious idea for a birthday gift, right?!? Needless to say, it took two minutes to order Kent his very own Zoku from Williams-Sonoma! While in Morgantown, Kent and Danielle treated us to homemade cherry-limeaide popsicles...yummy! This gadget is great! Whatever your particular craving, the Zoku can do it! You can add anything from fresh fruit, yogurt, and fruit juice to simple things like root beer, and voila...in 5-7 minutes, you have a delicious, healthy, and homemade popsicle! It truly is neat! It looks like Williams-Sonoma may deliver a special package to the Freeman home soon!
Friday, April 23, 2010
birds eye view drive

just one night
One thing that we have quickly learned is that the days of "jumping in the car and going" are in the past. We know this, but each time we prepare for a trip, be it short or long, we are still in awe of everything that must be packed for Eli. From bathtubs, playmats, and other various musical, dangling, and attention getting toys to simple nesecities like aspirators, nasal drops, hooded towels (couldn't I just use one of my mother's towels) and extra pacis, everything gets packed. As each new item is added to our SUV, Andy looks at me with eyes that say "Really, Devon...how much more?" During our most recent trip, we were so, so excited to visit Uncle Kent and Auntie Danielle in Morgantown. Even though we were only staying one night, our car was once again packed full, this time even adding such things as a pack-n-play, housewarming gifts, and mom's luggage to our already loaded Honda. Whew! What would it look like to stay for two nights?
Thursday, April 22, 2010
great-grandparent love
Eli has lots and lots of admirers, but three special people near the top of the list are his great grandparents, Grandma Frey and Nana and Papaw Beymer. Luckily, during our long visit, Eli, Andy, and myself were able to spend lots of time with all! Andy and I already know how very blessed we are to have such loving grandparents and are truly excited and proud to share our blessing with them. We love you Grandma Frey, Nana, and Papaw Joe and can't wait to see you again soon!
celebrating baby segar
Shortly after arriving in West Virginia, the very next morning, my mother, Eli, and I headed north to Pittsburgh to celebrate and "shower" baby Segar and mama Jamie with love, well-wishes, and lots and lots of sweet gifts. It was such a beautiful and sunny Pittsburgh day to spend time with my girlfriends Jamie, Becky, and Heather. I miss these girls so, so much and just love when I get the chance to visit. Now, with babies in all of our lives, our visits have become even more precious.
playing catch-up
While I love living in our development with miles and miles of sidewalks for stroller adventures, I just love the quiet and peaceful landscape of my home on the hill. Adjoining a pretty field, where countless deer, turkeys, and other wildlife are the norm, it's also nice to stroll up a quiet road where only a few other homes take residence.
Carmen enjoys many a walk up and back the small road in front of my mother's home and also enjoys being "leash-free" due to the absence of cars. Oh the blessings of "small-town" living.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
hmmmm...this is interesting
After all of "Handy Andy's" work, Eli was able to try out his colorful exersaucer. We have heard from our friends how much their children enjoyed this self-entertaining toy, so needless to say we were excited to let Eli sit in his saucer and explore all of its wonders, while keeping that head of his from wobbling. While we know in time that Eli will also love, love this hands-on toy from his Aunt Grace and Uncle Bob, I think he was a bit overwhelmed by the multitude of colors, music, and lights that surrounded him, but was still not too stunned to giggle at the dangling toys overhead. We love introducing new toys into the mix and can't wait for this one to be a particular favorite!
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
stop it, eli...NOW!
Stop it, Eli! Stop it now! Please stop growing so quickly!
This week, Eli began rice cereal! Perched in his stylish highchair from Auntie Danielle and Uncle Kent, our little guy wasn't sure what to make of the rice, the spoon, and the fact that "...hey, I'm sitting up while I eat..." Our first try with the rice cereal was not a disaster as I feared, but rather just a grainy mess, with a few swallows in between. While Eli is already such a wonderful eater, I know it will only be a matter of time before he truly begins to enjoy what is on his colorful Gerber spoons.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
forget the turkey & ham
Sunday, April 4, 2010
some "bunny" loves Eli
What a wonderful and blessed Easter Sunday we had! We were so, so excited to welcome my mother to Louisville on Saturday and to celebrate Jesus' resurection as a family. The weather simply could not have been more beautiful on this special Sunday. While we are so very thankful for the warm weather, time with family, and the sweet smiles of our special little boy, we are so thankful that Jesus endured the cross for your family and for ours. We know that it is only through Him that we find life.
...waiting patiently & happily for my Easter basket(s)...
...Mama & Daddy had lots of fun giving the Easter Bunny lots of hints for Eli's first Easter basket...
...some "bunny" loves Eli...
Thanks so much to Auntie Danielle & Uncle Kent, Nana & Papaw Freeman, & Noni for such special, special Easter basket goodies!
Thanks so much to Auntie Danielle & Uncle Kent, Nana & Papaw Freeman, & Noni for such special, special Easter basket goodies!
parts & parts
We decided to get Eli's exersaucer out and give this fun new toy a try! However, before the fun play could begin, the colorful "saucer" had to be put together. While we knew this huge box had to contain lots of special goodies, we had no idea of the amount of parts, parts, and more parts that would come tumbling out. Nonetheless, Andy worked, snapped, and twisted until each dangling toy, musical button "thingy", and small mirror were in place and ready to be enjoyed. In the meantime, it appeared that Eli wanted a better view of Daddy putting together his new toy because as he was doing so, Mr. Eli decided to make the "big roll" from his back to his belly. What luck it was to snap some pictures of this much anticipated first roll as I was taking pictures of Andy swallowed up by exersaucer parts galore!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
a night on the river
Last night, Andy, Eli, and I took advantage of the beautiful, warm weather by meeting friends for dinner on the Waterfront at Tumbleweed! It was so nice to see the other residents and their wives, Ruby and baby Rio, and look at downtown Louisville from a different perspective. During both our wait and dinner, Little Eli was an all-star baby! He quietly took in Louisville's skyline, smiled at our friends, watched the hustle and bustle around him, and simply couldn't have been a better baby! What a gorgeous Spring night to spend with good friends!
Ruby colored and played with lots of fun goodies while we waited for dinner. What a good girl she always is!
Little Eli occupying himself with his "O-Ball"

Friday, April 2, 2010
the good patient
We just can't believe that our Eli is four months old already! With discussions about rice cereal and baby food at our pediatrician's appointment this morning, our once tiny baby is seemingly growing by leaps and bounds! Eli grew a whopping 3 inches since his two-month appointment and topped the scales at 15 pounds. He couldn't have been happier at the doctor's office as he entertained the waiting room with his endless conversation and smiled from ear to ear at anyone who gave him attention. We are so thankful for this healthy boy!
...Four things about Eli at four months old...
1. Eli loves to smile! He not only smiles with those sweet gums, but also with his eyes and his eyebrows. His big smiles brighten up our home.
2. Eli has recently started to pay lots of attention to Carmen. He loves watching Carmen chase her toys and will at times laugh as she goes back and forth, back and forth. We can't wait for these two to be special friends soon!
3. Our sweet boy loves to reach and hold dangling toys! We love watching the control of his arm as he concentrates to grab his favorite playmat penguin.
4. Oh, no! Eli has recently found his thumb and seems to enjoy it more and more each week. While I know that this could possibly be a bad habit on the horizon, I can't help but smile when I see his little thumb in his mouth with his pointer finger wrapped around his nose.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
stroller adventures
Spring has officially sprung in Louisville! Trees are in bloom; lawns are being mowed; bulbs are emerging, and Eli is on the go in his stroller! We are simply loving the warm sunshine and just can't get enough of our stroller adventures on the sidewalks of our development! For our most recent walks, Eli has been officially upgraded to the "big boy" part of his stroller and loves (I think) facing forward, protected from the sun and flying insects (my new fear), by his sun shade. We only hope this weather continues as we love, love getting outside for sunshine and exercise!
..."Indiana Eli" is ready to hit the pavement...
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