Monday, April 26, 2010

...and so it begins...

Within a matter of one hour on Saturday, Eli began rolling from back to belly non-stop. He had done this trick a few times before, but was never consistent in his attempts. Now, it seems as if when I lay him down anywhere, he rolls...and rolls...and rolls...continuously. I have to laugh a little, because with each roll, he grunts to get himself over. As he keeps practicing, he gets a little bit better at figuring out what to do with his arms and hands, but still at times looks like a turtle trapped on its back, even though he's on his belly. We just can't believe how quickly our little guy is growing and learning! Can all this be happening so fast?!? It's only been 4 1/2 months!

Take a peek at our Eli in action!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness.. look at him go!! He is rolling away in the Morgantown room :)