Saturday, April 24, 2010

zoku treats

Often times it's very difficult to think of something different to get Kent for his birthday. While the usual fishing/hunting/golfing gift is always well received, this year we decided to add a "cool" twist to his birthday present. During a recent visit to Louisville, Kent went on and on about a "popsicle maker" from Williams-Sonoma that he had enjoyed at a friend's home. What a most delicious idea for a birthday gift, right?!? Needless to say, it took two minutes to order Kent his very own Zoku from Williams-Sonoma! While in Morgantown, Kent and Danielle treated us to homemade cherry-limeaide popsicles...yummy! This gadget is great! Whatever your particular craving, the Zoku can do it! You can add anything from fresh fruit, yogurt, and fruit juice to simple things like root beer, and 5-7 minutes, you have a delicious, healthy, and homemade popsicle! It truly is neat! It looks like Williams-Sonoma may deliver a special package to the Freeman home soon!

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