Sunday, April 4, 2010

parts & parts

We decided to get Eli's exersaucer out and give this fun new toy a try! However, before the fun play could begin, the colorful "saucer" had to be put together. While we knew this huge box had to contain lots of special goodies, we had no idea of the amount of parts, parts, and more parts that would come tumbling out. Nonetheless, Andy worked, snapped, and twisted until each dangling toy, musical button "thingy", and small mirror were in place and ready to be enjoyed. In the meantime, it appeared that Eli wanted a better view of Daddy putting together his new toy because as he was doing so, Mr. Eli decided to make the "big roll" from his back to his belly. What luck it was to snap some pictures of this much anticipated first roll as I was taking pictures of Andy swallowed up by exersaucer parts galore!

...almost there...

...whew...I made it... what?

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