Thursday, April 22, 2010

celebrating baby segar

Shortly after arriving in West Virginia, the very next morning, my mother, Eli, and I headed north to Pittsburgh to celebrate and "shower" baby Segar and mama Jamie with love, well-wishes, and lots and lots of sweet gifts. It was such a beautiful and sunny Pittsburgh day to spend time with my girlfriends Jamie, Becky, and Heather. I miss these girls so, so much and just love when I get the chance to visit. Now, with babies in all of our lives, our visits have become even more precious.

While it was wonderful to be apart of Jamie's special afternoon, I was equally as excited to meet and squeeze Mr. Anthony and Mr. Alex Sargo, Becky's 7-month-old twin boys. What cuties those Sargo boys are! Knowing how busy one baby keeps me, I can't imagine the hustle and bustle in the Sargo household! Becky is truly a super-mom and such a special, special friend! I can only hope that at some point, we live close enough that our boys can play together!

...oh, Beck! I'm in awe of you...

...Ummm...Anthony or matter who, what a cutie...

...Ummm...Anthony or Alex or do I have the same baby from above?...

...All tuckered out from a great shower...

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