As I think back to the beginning of last November, I am in total awe of how much our lives have changed in 11 blink-of-an-eye months. 11 short months ago, I felt like I simply couldn't grow another centimeter; I already had our home decorated for Christmas, every Christmas present was wrapped, and every bow had been tied. Today, while I hardly am as organized as last year and have just branched into the world of holiday shopping, I love spending each and every day with you! The way you smile, the way you love to jump, and the way that you are always on the go makes our hearts smile and we just couldn't love you more! You are funny. You are smart. You, sweet boy, have one spunky personality! There isn't a mirror in our home that you don't love looking in and talking to yourself! You shake your head quickly back and forth and the more I smile and laugh, the harder and faster you shake that head of yours! You are beginning to cruise slowly but surely, especially if there is something that catches your eye that you must hold! Nonetheless, you haven't shown that much interest in walking yet as you crawl to your destinations at the speed of light. You love to explore our home and while you adore your toys, I think you almost prefer to be on the go.

1 comment:
Great pictures - what a cutie! His hair is getting so much lighter.
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