While Eli has been up on all fours for the last month, in the last week, he has really learned to get his arms and legs going at the same time! We can hardly believe that we have a crawler and just love to watch him motor himself across the floor to a particular toy, my cell phone, in chase of Carmen, or most usually towards a piece of furniture. In addition to this milestone, Andy recently lowered Eli's crib as the floor is not the only place that our little guy loves to crawl.

...Take a peek at our little Eli go, go, go...
...and just in case he was too fast to catch...
Congrats Eli! Quinn & I watched you this & he is inspired to try & do that himself :)
Way to go big boy!!! Watch out Mom and Dad, it won't be long before he is walking...
Go Eli!
Go Eli go!! Those boys sure are fast!
How exciting for all of you! Gosh, they change and grow up so quickly right before your eyes. Have fun with your new crawler - this is such a fun stage! :) He is such a cutey!
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