This past week, Eli and I ventured to the pediatrician for his 6 month (where did the time go?) well baby check-up. Eli just loves the brightly colored rooms of his pediatrician's office and is simply a wiggly worm from the time he is laid on the table until the time he is redressed. Happy, smiling, and even laughing with and at our doctor, Eli weighed 16 pounds, 10 ounces, and measured 27 1/2 inches long. Our little boy currently has two teeth and is surely working on more...ugg. We feel so blessed to have our healthy, sweet boy!

Eli loves his exersaucer and jumperoo more and more each day. He especially loves to "munch" on the apple in his exersaucer and spin the ball on his jumperoo.
While Eli is not quite sitting up on his own, we have been practicing! Frankly, he shows little to no interest in doing this, unless you catch his attention with flashing lights, music, and other toys to help him forget that he is actually sitting. While he is able to sit tri-pod style, our pediatrician remarked that a baby "this happy and wiggly" simply doesn't have time to just sit still. In our home, Eli would just rather roll and roll and roll.
Our little boy is a fantastic eater and has finally started to even enjoy his morning cereal. He loves all baby food, but especially veggies. Fruits, while he will eat them, make his little lips pucker.
Eli continues to love all things "bath"! We can't get enough of watching our happy baby smile, splash, and submerge himself in the warm water.
No matter if he wakes from a nap happy or not-so-happy, he always has the biggest smile on his sweet face when he sees mama or daddy come to his rescue.
Eli loves his early bedtime! Each night, he is ready for bed at 7:00 pm or at times, even earlier. He generally sleeps from 7:00 pm to 5:20 am (on the dot), wakes to eat and then returns to sleep most usually until 7:00 am. While taking a hiatus from sleeping through the night (perhaps due to those two cute teeth), we are SO HAPPY to report that Eli is back on track with his sleeping, in turn helping us to return to ours.
perhaps I should erase this last comment as to not jinx our little sleeper
...knock on wood...
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