While we prefer for Eli to explore his various toys, entertainers, practice rolling and sitting, and interacting with Andy and I, we don't beat ourselves up about letting him watch a bright and enjoyable cartoon in the morning!As times have changed since the Smurfs, Strawberry Shortcake, and Fraggle Rock, the cartoons have also changed. Currently, Eli's most favorite cartoon is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! If you've ever watched this Disney show, you are aware that it begins with a very, very large and colorful Mickey Mouse on the television screen. Each morning, as Mickey is greeting his viewers and asking them to say the "magic words" to make his clubhouse appear, Eli gives Mickey one of his most precious smiles. These smiles are only reserved for Mickey during this time, for when the other characters come into view, Eli's attention is still held, but the smile disappears! When Mickey returns and speaks...you guessed it...a big grin comes back! Because of his new found attraction to this popular mouse, Eli and I decided to visit the Disney Store yesterday while at the mall, and get him a small Mickey to hold and enjoy! Perhaps a trip to Disney World is in our family's future...
...Never fail, this smile is for his favorite mouse...

Disney World here we come!
That's too funny, Devon! Our babies have a lot in common! Let's get them together soon!
Yes - you'll get over that - there is nothing wrong with a little wholesome Disney in the morning. Samantha has loved that show since about 5-6 months old and watches an episode of that and Handy Manny ever morning and is Mickey-obsessed. Who doesn't love Mickey? And you should go to Disney -- so much fun even for his age and yours. :)
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