Oh, how long I have waited to write this very exciting post! Since Eli's birth, he has been swaddled tightly for every nap and for every night's rest. I am a strong, strong advocate of swaddling, as I believe, in combination with other factors, helped Eli to begin sleeping through the night at 7 weeks old. However, in recent weeks, our soon-to-be 4 month old has been fighting his beloved swaddle, thus leading to multiple day and night "jail breaks" of his hands, resulting in a very awake and not always happy baby. Needless to say, after one day of pretty good swaddle-less naps, our little guy was put in his crib for the night without his swaddle, mind you...a very big deal in this home! To our delight, Eli slept peacefully the entire night for 10 hours! We are so happy to retire this piece of baby goodness, but are so thankful for the security that it offered to Eli (and to us) for almost 4 months! We are so proud of our little guy for learning to sleep with his wild arms and hands!

"Look at me! Look at me! I slept only in my sleep sack without my swaddle!"

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