Monday, February 15, 2010

thanks, caleb

While our little guy doesn't particularly care for "tummy time", he doesn't seem to mind sitting in the BUMBO seat, a borrowed goodie from his much older friend, Caleb! We even get sweet smiles from Eli as it appears that he's saying, "Look at me! I'm not laying down. I'm sitting by myself"! While head control has not quite been perfected, we are certainly practicing, and thanks to Mr. Caleb and this hand-me-down, Eli has a new perspective on life...upright! Thanks, Mr. Caleb for letting us borrow your seat. We will put it to good use!


The Fowlers said...

Dear Eli,
I am so glad you like the Bumbo seat! My mom always tried to get me to sit in it but it always made me puke! (She gave up pretty quick!) You are more than welcome to keep it as long as you need.
Your friend, Caleb

The Dursts said...

So cute! We wish Hayden liked his Bumbo!