Friday, January 2, 2009

happy new year!

An early New Year's smooch

To celebrate the New Year, Kent, Danielle, mom, Andy, and I went to one of our favorite West Virginia restaurants, Twin Oaks...yum, yum! Oh how we miss their delicious pizza and special salad! After a quick visit with some of our family friends in Bridgeport, we traveled back to Philippi for a New Year's Eve game night at Danielle's home. What a wonderful and blessed 2008 we had! Andy and I wish you and your family a very healthy and happy New Year!

Mom, Carmen, & I smile on New Year's Eve

So, so happy to be home with our families

Kent & Danielle waiting for Twin Oaks pizza & salad...yum!

Danielle, the ultimate gamer, and I wait for 2009
during Game Night!

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